Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Little Husband Pride

I would like to journal some thoughts and thanksgiving for my husband. I am so impressed by his faith and service - in many ways, but I am thinking specifically about the coffee shop right now. I walked down to the shop last night with the kids so we could visit him for a bit and as I approached the shop, I was overcome with a feeling of, "wow. we really did this. we really stepped out in faith and have a coffee shop in Mexico City - how crazy!" I love the way Benjy has given himself to this opportunity. He is so good with people and it is obvious. He is gifted and natural at making people feel listened to and important. When he works in the coffee shop (because there are a few days that we have others working it and he isn't there) - I believe, people really notice that he isn't there. His face is connected to that corner. I just watch him interact and serve others and I see Jesus in him. I love it and praise God for the way He is at work through Benjy. I am proud of him. Because of his service, we spent the morning with new friends Gerardo and Dulce. Benjy took the initiative to invite him to run with him at the track and then to come over to the house after, with his wife and we would eat together. So we spent several hours today with this couple - good conversation, laughs, and the continuation of what Benjy has created with them at the coffee shop. So, I say all this to say a word of thanks to God for the good man I share my life with - and to ask Him to continue to use Him. I am one blessed woman!


Anonymous said...

And he is one truly blessed man!! You complete him Carolyn, you truly do!

I love to stay connected this way with the Brednichs. If I could be bold enough I'd do a blog for the McGuiggans!!

You know how I feel about Benjy - his service heart, attitude and community building ways.

This is another confirmation that you are supposed to be there for such as time as this.

Living life in submission,


Anonymous said...

I must chime in on Benjy as well... He is seriously a man after God's own heart. I know that from being on the fringes of his life and from witnessing how he has loved special people in my life. I'm thankful for you both, Carolyn. It's true that you both reflect Jesus Christ... and to add to that, you so beautifully compliment each other (and made such cute babies!!!) :-)