Thursday, July 13, 2006

I Am Finally Back

Okay - after a 2 month blogging leave of abscence...I am back! I have been frustrated for the last while because we returned from our trip to Texas and I could not get my blog to work. I am not the brightest in the area of computers, even though I tried to figure out the problem numerous times. I was beginning to consider the need to just start over with a new blog - but I didn't really wanna do that either so I decided to take another look at it today! Ta.....daaaahhhh! I figured it all out and we are good to go! So - I hope you have not already written me off and will begin to faithfully check back here again for updates on life in the Brednich household. We have lots to catch up on, including our trip to Texas; our changes in mission team (loss of the Miller family, AIMers Bryan and Stephen and addition of new AIMers Adam, Beth, Chris, Josh, Michelle); mission trip from North Atlanta; and family life of course! And, as always - pictures will be posted soon!


Craig,Leah,Lena said...

So glad you are back..i have been checking to see how you are! can't wait to get the updates.

Anonymous said...

Honey, it would take a lot more than a little leave of absence to get rid of me! I'm so glad to see you back! I have missed your updates and thoughts & look forward to you finding your blogging rhythm again. So sorry we missed each other on the TX trip... so very close, huh!

I found Mary (Letchworth)'s blog recently & learned she was in Abilene when I visited there - I had no idea. She said she saw you & Benjy around that time also.

Again, so glad that you were able to work out blogger problems. Looking forward to hearing more from you as time allows!
