Since I kind of use this blog as an update but also for making notes of certain things that are happening in our lives, I completely understand if you are not interested in all the details of this post. Seriously. It will be lengthy and really it is more for my memory than anything....
As life marches on and time changes things and brings about new stages in our kids and in our family life around here, I would like to record where the boys are at. Before I know it, this stage for each of them will be long gone. So for my old sentimental heart...
Reece is 3 years and 3 months old - but for some reason he seems so much older. He is still a pretty big kid for his age, I think, and the rate at which he outgrows his clothes makes me realize how quickly he is growing up. He is pretty active - loves boy things like water guns, balls, trucks and trains. He still likes his books. I am impressed that he has held on to his love for books since being a baby, and he has a pretty long attention span too. He goes through phases of his favorites - some I am glad he likes, others...not so much, but hey. We have also begun to "tell stories" rather than only read. That has been really fun. It all started with us sharing stories of when we were little and so sometimes when Reece wants to tell a story he will say, "once upon a time when I was just a little boy..." I think this story telling stuff has really spurred an imagination in him. I love to watch his expressions because he really pays attention to what might happen next. He now asks us if we would like him to tell us a story - that is pretty fun! Yesterday at the dinner table he talked for what seemed like 15 minutes with barely a pause - telling us all about his adventures with the cow and the dangerous bug they met in the swimming pool, and weaving his characters in and out of the plot. Reece almost always leads our prayers and uses "Father thank you for all these blessings" - and sometimes he will go on to list those blessings but sometimes that is it too - short and sweet. Another highlight of our bedtime tucking in is "happy parts, sad parts" We each share the part of that day that made us feel the happiest and then also the saddest. It is very insightful. It has caused Benjy and I to realize how much goes on in a day and before you grow into the habit of reflecting on those things,how much you miss. Now, it is much more natural to identify the little things that brought happiness and sadness. I love this time because it has created great communication between us and Reece. He has shared some really neat stuff. I sometimes like to play his game back at him and when he asks me what my happy or sad part is, I will respond - well, I am not sure. He is quick to state, "well, you hafta hink (because he pronounces his "th"'s as "h"'s) about it. I guess he has heard us say that to him before! I have left those "tucking in" times many nights with a very thankful heart for the sweet things that bring happiness to my son. And when I hear something like his "happy part" being that I read his favorite book to him that day, I am pretty thankful that I get to stay at home and spend so much time with him. Reece likes to learn and that is fun. He continues to seem to have a heart for God - quickly grasping important values from Bible stories, etc.. He can ask a lot of questions as he is in this "why" stage of development - but it is neat. He usually responds quite well to discipline - he has had his moments too, of course, but he is quick to restate why he was sent to the naughty chair or spanked and apologizes. He has now learned to say, "I am really really sorry" - which can be a pretty fake statement at times! He does know that it makes mommy/daddy/God and Jesus sad when we act certain ways and I have faith that someday it will all sink in (even if it seems like the lesson is not being learned in the here and now!). He is struggling with hitting or being too rough with Chase right now and that has been frustrating for me. He sometimes forgets but he really knows from the many times it has been stated to him that "throwing a fit" never gets him his way... I love to watch him play - he is in that stage of creating scenes with his animals or trucks, etc.. and he will narrarate the events taking place. Again - he has an imagination. He continues to want to be a helper around the house - especially when it involves baking. It has become an unspoken promise between us that I will always save him a little bit of dough to make his own cinnamon rolls. He has gotten really good at it too. His interest in tv is growing and he has to be reminded a little more often, it seems, than it used to be that he only gets a 30minute show a day (more or less). He likes Caillou the best and that is usually what he chooses. He also is really gaining his Daddy's personality in the "being funny" department. He has endless facial expressions or dances or voices that he uses to make me laugh. He is fun to have around, that is for sure. And as a big brother - wow. It seems like Reece and Chase are either the best of buds or fighting over every little thing - where is the middle ground? He really is sweet to him - kissing Chase's bumps and bruises, helping him up onto chairs and places he shouldn't really be up on yet, and welcoming him in to cause trouble. They can play very well together. They can. But they also can fight a lot too. Reece has a bit of a disadvantage because he is the older one and the rules are understood better by him and more is expected of him so he sometimes feels frustrated, I think. He knows he is supposed to share - but that sure can be hard to do sometimes....especially when Chase can certainly be a little tease. But it is certainly one of my favorite moments in life when Reece and Chase are laughing their heads off together. Reece knows how to get Chase to laugh and it is pretty sweet. He is a good big brother. And as a son - he is thankfully still in that very expressive stage of his love for us. He says he loves us and Chase frequently in a day. Pretty special. He is a good eater most of the time. He wants snacks all of the time. Grrrr. He can be convinced to eat or at least try almost anything these days because he is fascinated with the concept that "that makes you strong and healthy". Powerful influence on him. He is pretty shy around people he doesn't know, but once he warms up he will play with anyone. His greatest concern right now is going to school. In some ways he seems excited but also, naturally a little scared. We will see how that all plays out but I do think he will adjust quickly and thrive in that environment (if his mommy can let him go!). His favorite memory as of late has to be our recent trip to Sea World - he loved it! He is still taking a quiet time/rest time each afternoon but only actually falls asleep once every 3 or 4 days. The others are filled with him asking every few minutes "I'm done, can I come down now, my body had a good rest..." He responds well to and frequently requests the "beeper" to send him to bed or naps. In his mind, he has bought more time - even if I only set it for 3 minutes more. Oh well, if it works, it works! Anyway, I could probably write on and on about Reece but I think this paints a general picture of where he at in life right now. He is very loved and very special to us!
Chase is 1 year and 7 months. He is a little guy for his age - and is feisty because of it (and b/c he is a younger brother). He is walking, running, climbing, and so on. He has figured out how to go backwards and thinks it is pretty funny. He has more soccer moves than I can believe - loves to race around a ball and kick it and move it around with his feet. He has slowed down a bit with his recent fascination of throwing things, thankfully, altho that still comes into play. It seems as though he has no fear. He will straddle up the slide and then lean over the edge - it scares me to death. He can manuever his way onto the chair or lazy-boy and loves to climb up Benjy's chair and try to hang over the top - even tho he knows he shouldn't. He loves to climb the stairs and has quickly caught on to the "hand on the wall" rule and can get up pretty fast (altho I am still afraid to let him do it alone). He spends more than 80% of his days, so it seems, walking to the cupboard, opening it and pulling out snacks and bringing them to us. He is determined! He loves getting into water and that is the first place he heads to when he is allowed to play outside (any kind of puddle or place where rain may have collected). He loves balls more than anything - but will also gain a real interest in whatever Reece might be playing with. He loves to destroy Reece's towers or roads or train tracks. He is a little tease about it too - he will grab something of Reece's and then run away as fast as he can with a twinkle in his eye and a giggle. When him and Reece fight, Chase usually comes out the winner - he is tough and defends himself well. He can also have a hard time sharing but can respond to directives to share - and you can see he is proud for obeying when he does. He isn't talking very much but he sure can understand it all. We have recently begun using the naughty chair to discipline him in time out. He can go and sit as soon as he is told too - but he also can be very stubborn as well. If he is really mad he will watch you and slide off of his bench and flop on the floor. And as soon as you tell him to get back he will either obey or just look at you with this stubborn look of challenge. He has thrown some doozies of fits. I think he might have a strong personality. I have heard Reece voice a prayer to God asking him to help Chase not throw fits - if that tells you anything! He clearly understands questions like "do you need to go to your bed, do you need a spanking, are you ready to be happy, etc.." He knows how to say sorry in action - if not in words. After serving his time on the naughty chair he comes to get his verbal reminder of what not to do, he gives a sort of sideways hug and rubs his cheek up to yours - sometimes saying, "awwwwwww". But, although he sure can tease Reece, he also really loves and admires him. He tries to do what he does and go where he goes. They have a lot of fun together. They can be as thick as thieves too when they are into trouble - giving each other a look of approval and laughter even tho one of their parents is in the mode to correct them. Chase has finally arrived at the age where he will sit through a book. He loves "The Big Red Barn" - especially the page at the end where all the animals are sleeping. He puts his finger to his lips and in a slurrish way says "thhhhssshshh" (a word he also has learned from being told he must be quiet to get to come off the naughty chair). He likes puppies, especially, and imitates them as soon as he catches sight of one. Of course, as with any toddler, he prefers the control of turning pages but is slowly letting go of that I think. He likes to sing these days - or for us to sing to him at least - he knows all the actions for "who did make the fishies swim, the flowers grow, the birdies fly" and points to heaven at the "God in heaven above" part as he tries to say "above". It is pretty sweet. And of course, he loves, "this little light of mine" and blows that candle out pretty strongly. He really likes music and is a dancer - whew. He has trademarked a new way to hold hands during prayer time. He holds out his index finger when he is in his highchair and it has now become our family's way of praying. At night when I lay him in his crib he holds out his two index fingers for me to hold on to as I pray with him. And he has also created the "double clap" in place of the word "Amen". If he feels you are praying too long, he simply double-claps to try to wrap it all up. He can certainly eat when he wants to and is well known for handing you his plate and saying "mmmmaaa, maaaa" - for more. And if he isn't interested in what you are serving he is known to swoop that arm and move whatever the undesired food is onto the floor - in spite of the many hand spanks that has produced. His speech is a little behind but I feel like he is making attempts to imitate words more and more. Before we know it he will be blabbing away. As far as naps - he is pretty much down to one in the afternnon. We have tried to give him a quiet time each morning as we did when Reece was younger. And then he naps for an hour or 2 after lunch. We have weaned him from the pacifier except for when he is in the crib (or occasionally in the car). He handled the transition really well - but sure giggles with glee when he sees it lying there in his crib, awaiting him. He is in an affectionate stage that is sweet beyond sweet. He loves to give kisses and hugs (which are reserved mostly for me!). He enjoys climbing up on you if you are on the floor and laughing and playing. And he is one ticklish little boy. He has a couple of spots on his legs and his chest that will create the greatest and most genuine laugh - it always makes my day! He is lots of fun and is very loved by all of us. It will be a lot of fun when he begins to speak more and actively participates in our happy part/sad part each evening. I love to watch him and wonder what his little mind is thinking and processing. Before long he will express a lot of what is going on there. What a special little guy we have.
Okay - well, i am glad that I wrote this all down. It will be nice to have on paper (or internet) someday.
Friday, July 21, 2006
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Carolyn: I have just read the best love story next to the Bible, here on your blog. What a beautiful family you have and what an awesome mother to those two sweet boys. You don't know how much I wish you were closer but I am truly grateful for what you are doing in Mexico City.
Keep up the good work.
OK... I'm wiping away the tears. It just fills my heart to overflowing to know that these boys are so loved. I can't imagine what is in the Maker's plan for them... But right now, I'm so thankful for the blessing they are to you & Benjy!
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