Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What A Week!!!

We have had an interesting past few days in respect to health and safety! Things began on a good note for Hudson. We took him in for a check up after just a plain old horrible week of nights with him. He was waking every 1 - 2 hours and I was exhausted by the time the weekend was approaching. We had been suspecting that he maybe had acid reflux, as he was showing some similar signs to what Chase had as a baby. Our good pediatrician confirmed it and assured us that that things would be much better with a bit of medication. Although I feel bad for Hudson, knowing that he wasn't getting good rest due to pain, I m thankful now that he can find some relief and hopefully begin to feel better. By the first night he was doing a whole lot better (like a 4 - 5 hour stretch) of this....

sweet sleep!

Then Sunday morning rolled around and we headed off to church. We meet in the home of Fer and Cristi's and had been all enjoying coffee and sweet bread when we heard "the cry" (you know, the cry in your kid that immediately signals something more serious). Chase left the back room holding his hand above his eye as the blood from his gash spilled into his Daddy's hands. It did not take us long to realize he would need to be seen because it looked pretty deep. There had been some car parts (a motor or brakes or something - metal anyway) and Chase slipped and smashed his forehead into it. Off to the ER we went. Chase stopped crying and by the time we were at the hospital he was a happy boy! They got him set up for stitches and Chase was super duper brave - not a tear shed, even as they stuck the shot in the wound to locally freeze it. We were very proud of him and I believe he walked out of the ER a few inches taller than when he walked in! He needed 2 stitches deep inside and then they sealed it all up with glue. Amazingly, the wound doesn't look too bad.


Fast forward to practice for the boys. Chase is out on the field after warm up, doing their exercises when suddenly - pow - while running he crashes into someones head and requires an ice pack to bring down the bruise and swelling on the other side of his face. He was back on the field before too long.....just looking like a wounded warrior that's all! What a boy!

And guess what tomorrow is????  School pictures!!!! Poor kid - looks pretty rough and tumble!


Timbra Wiist said...

:( there's a family I do photos for on regular intervals, and their little girl ALWAYS has something like this happen two days before a photo shoot. . . once a little person at preschool scratched her face, like a four or five inch scratch down one side of her face. . . it's been over a year, she still has a scar. . . it's like they KNOW!!!!

Sam and Ann Gonzalez said...

I guess you're ready for the weekend!!!! Maybe they'll just send his school picture straight to CPS or DIF. I'm sure he's proud of his battle scars. You are one brave mom! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Well ... one thing is ... you'll always be reminded when you look at his school picture, of Chase's adventureous dynamic personality! And ... it's not like you don't have any pictures of him already!!

P.S. Tell Chaser he'll have an exact match to Kalen's scar ... war wounds!!!

Devin said...

Oh, he is just like my Cameron! Poor baby...glad nothing was WORSE! (And so thankful that you and Hudson are sleeping again--that is the pits!)

Anonymous said...

Oh! Care! I couldn't help but smile to see Chase - my heart sympathizes with his wounds but he was smiling and it warmed my heart. He is such a handsome dude, like all of your boys are. The picture of Hudson is also priceless............ how valuable is sleep. We can't buy it nor hold it in our hands but it is needful, big time.
Love you guys,