Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just So You Know....

Hey you. Just wanted to let you know that I have a good little mountain of great pictures and updates floating around in my head - spring break, easter, Mimi's visit, kids, Reece's birthday, etc.. The problem: I have had limited computer access due to the fact that my husband is working hard on a Master's class (come on, right - priorities - Masters class or blogging???) I hope to get caught up this week. Time will tell :) Take care.


Stacey at Giggles and Glue Sticks said...

I think I can speak for everyone. No one cares about his classes.

Hey Brednichs! I found your blog and have been "blog stalking" you. It's fun "catching" up with you guys on here.

So Benji, stop with this masters nonsense and let Carolyn post some pics of your cute kids.

Betsy@Living in the Moment said...

Blogging first, master's second. No brainer! Come on Benj! Auntie Bets needs some pictures!

Timbra said...

are we taking this to a vote? masters v. blog? cuz, i think we all know where my vote is. . .let's see those party pictures mama!!!