Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Don't Cry Over..."

So the saying goes...."don't cry over spilled (or is it actually spilt) milk"...

For some odd reason today we had numerous spills - none of milk - but several of Mango juice during lunch today. Several. And I was kind of impressed with the calm response of the parents....ha,ha. I rather, channeled my frustration into promising my boys that today was the day they were learning to mop a floor. :)

But, back to the above quote. I understand it. But I guess I am asking if it is okay to have permission to cry over the expensive bottle of perfume that your husband bought you for your 10 year anniversary...that you yourself clumsily knocked off the counter and saw smash to the floor and spill in an unrecoverable puddle on the tile. Yes. True. And. Yes, I did mop the floor myself. The nicest smelling mop job I have ever done :(


Su said...

Yep. Totally okay to mourn, wail, gnash your teeth-- whatever seems best.

Devin said...

Oh, I'm crying for you and with you over the thought of that one!

Seriously? I almost (I was this close) did a count on my blog last week of Cameron's spills. It happened that much. I think he spilled like 7 times within 3 meals. I wanted to rip my hair out.

I started finally giving him water after like, the 4th spill, cause I was sick of cleaning up sticky juice! *hee hee*