Friday, April 23, 2010

A Day of Firsts....

Wednesday began just about the same as every other day....we had just dropped big brother Reece off at school...Hudson was having some tummy time on the floor...when suddenly...


I looked over and this is what I saw! We all missed it but Hudson snuck in a little roll - from tummy to back. We all celebrated...tried to get him to do it again...but he was not interested in performing for us :)


And then later that day... it was decided to give our big, hungry, growing boy his first taste of solids. I know my boys so I held off on this milestone until they were home from school.... and as was expected Reece asked to give the first taste. Chase followed right behind. I love it that they are involved in the milestones. Makes family life so fun! And Hudson...

He was happy...and perhaps a little impatient so he tried to take matters into his own hands!

An empty bowl....a happy smile!

I love this kid!


Devin said...

That little sweetie is TOO cute.

And he is growing up waaaaaay TOO fast!!

Timbra Wiist said...

what a nice mama to wait until your boys were home to be involved. And I know all about this, waiting with bated breath for that first roll. Sometimes you walk into the room and think to yourself. . . wait, did I LEAVE him like that? And then realize, NOPE, he finally rolled over :)