Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Giving Thanks

We celebrated American Thanksgiving a little early this year since we will all be out of town on Thursday. We had a lot of fun and a feast of food! We felt blessed to sit around a table with such good friends. God is so good and has blessed us with co-workers in this City that are also good, good friends to us - that is a unique blessing in itself! This year we missed being with teammates Sean and Jeni, Sarah and Philip McClue (out of town) and Paul and Kristi, Maddi and Olivia Miller (now living in Texas).

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Personally, I have an abundance of things to be thankful for - three of those - my great husband and my sweet boys - are pictured below (all dressed up and handsome!) Happy thanksgiving to all of you!


1 comment:

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

your boys are sooooo stinkin' cute!! wow! look at those little blonde boys!
enjoy them. and happy american thanksgiving!