Friday, November 10, 2006

Cute Thoughts On Sharing...

Reece came home from school today with a bag of cookies and some chocolate milk. He was quite excited. With much enthusiasm he stated that..."when my friends come over tonight, I am going to share my cookies with all of them. And, Mommy, when I go to heaven I am going to give a cookie to everyone there. And I am going to give one to Grandpa!"

This made me smile!


Anonymous said...

Love that boy... What lessons He teaches us, huh! :-)

Erna Wiebe said...

O to have such faith as your Reecer. I can hardly wait to spend some time with you guys in the New Year. Time passes so quickly. It'll be here soon.
Love you guys..........Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey... I just heard you guys are going to get to see Greg! I don't know who to be more jealous of... I love you all so much! That's so cool that you'll all get to spend some time together...

I bet he could be talked into quitting his job and working full time at the coffee shop! ;-)

Praying for you all... for a Spirit-filled time laced with laughs and hugs!

Kristi said...

That is so cute! Our due date is January 30th. We can't wait! Not long now. Is there a website for your sisters singing group? How do you buy one of their CD's?

Love Kristi