Monday, February 23, 2009

Officially Accepted

Although no formal words have been exchanged, actions do speak loudly! As Benjy so appropriately put it the other day, "it's obvious that Piersen is no longer considered a "baby" by his big brothers". He has "graduated" (?) in their eyes into being "one of them" (at times, a very scarey thought!) Apparently all is fair game now in this "brother club"....

Reece came back to the house excitedly exclaiming that Pierce climbed the netted rope, crossed the bridge and went down the big slide all by himself (yes, I gasped and gulped and realized that that is not safe without adult supervision and won't be happening again - thanks, Reece, though for your vote of confidence and for teaching him dangerous stuff!)


Pierce always wants to be in the mix with the big guys when it is time for homework...and he concentrates hard on his masterpiece at hand!


Chase thinks Pierce is ready for the top bunk and invites him to sleep up there with him (again, not gonna happen!)


And, although Pierce likely gains a lot of advantages from entering this new club....there are also some hard knocks involved. Pierce wants to play with the big kids (which is usually cool with them), but also likes with their stuff (often a different story). Suddenly the sweet little guy who was handed toy after toy on a silver platter has happened upon this world of "sharing"....and the results aren't always very pretty. Poor guy!


But if you take the good with the all evens out and the little guy is pretty loved and happy to belong to this adorable "club of boys"



Devin said...

I understand this post very well! Welcome to the club, little buddy...but watch out! It can be treacherous. :-)

Great pics!

Betsy@Living in the Moment said...

Love this post. What an adorable boys club!