Friday, February 03, 2006

Scattering Seed

If you are reading this you probably care a great deal about God's Kingdom and the work here in Mexico City. Therefore, I want to ask you to be praying that the seeds we will be scattering in the next few days will fall on hearts of good soil. We are looking forward to visits from 6 friends from Westport Road Church of Christ, Louisville, KY (our supporting congregation) and a group of about 80 young people from the Advetures in Missions (AIM) program in Lubbock, TX. We will be meeting the AIM team (5 students) that will be joining our work next May. We are thankful for the many extra hands that will help us with various service projects and in the distribution of thousands of invites to get involved in Bible studies, small groups, and church life. Jesus tells the parable in Luke 8 of the 4 different types of soil that seed falls on. We are praying in faith that there is good soil within our reach, and that God will providentially lead us to those people!

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. Luke 8:15

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