Monday, July 30, 2007

A Good Father

My husband is a good man. I overheard him in a recent conversation with some friends.... The other person was commenting on our family and said, "you have really good kids." Benjy, without hesitation responded, "we think so. we really do - they are good boys." I was in the other room and smiled when I heard Benjy's response. Why did I smile? Because I love that he is honest about how we feel about our family. He went on to talk about how important he believes it is that our children hear us talk about them in positive ways to others because it seems much too common to reply to a compliment with something like, "well, they aren't always well behaved" or "you should see them sometimes" and on and on. I think Benjy found a pretty powerful way to communicate to our boys by communicating to others. I know they overhear a lot more than we think they do and I am proud Benjy was bold about his love for them. It reminds me of my Heavenly Father who sees all of my behavior and yet, I believe, looks at me and sees the good!

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