Sunday, October 09, 2005

Oh Be Careful Little Lips What You Say...

Do you remember that song from when you were little, "oh be careful little eyes what you see/ears what you hear/lips what you say....for the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little..."? Well, we have reached the "imitation stage" of toddlerhood! Reece can repeat like a parrot and we are being called to a higher calling in the things we say in our home. Reece began picking up phrases like "oh my goodness" or "oh shoot", or even at times "oh gosh". Not that those are the worst things that could be said, but they somehow seem to sound a lot worse coming from your own little boy. So - I began to talk to him about how it is better to say "oh no" in a moment of frustration or disappointment instead of those other phrases. Benjy and I have been "caught" on more than one occassion over the past few weeks and quickly reprimanded with a stern, "daddy - don't say "oh my gosh"'s "oh no!". We are quick to apologize and are trying to think before we speak. Reece is catching things that are said on tv that he is not shy to correct either! It is a good thing. I guess this is yet another way that God uses children to make us better.


Heather said...

How fun to find you! We missed you when we were there! It is fun to catch up on you in this small way!

Your words are so true - God grows us up all over again through our kids!

Once I caught Eli repeating the excited reaction of those on the Extreme Home Makeover show, saying "Oh my god!..." -It was so disheartening and shocking, yet sadly not surprising as you hear it everywhere here. So after a long discourse on how we talk to and about God, ( and a mouth washing),days later I passed the bathroom one time as he was talking to himself, and heard him repeat the phrase. I stopped and backed up, and he must have seen my shadow approaching because he quickly remembered and turned that phrase right into a prayer about his day~!! I was caught somewhere between being frustrated with him and impressed at his quickness!

We love you guys! Congratulations on God expanding your reach through your family! We love you!

Jason and Heather

Anonymous said...

What handsome nephews! Thanks so much for the pictures! I can't wait for Reece to correct me and his Uncle Jared when we see him! We too often say Oh My Gosh! I will try to remember to say Oh no! What a lesson. Cousin Caden will be here this week end to celebrate his birthday and we will miss you guys! Love you