Thursday, August 04, 2005

A Bad Haircut!

I was long overdue on a haircut so yesterday we went to the mall to make a visit to the haircutting place we use. Benjy has had his hair cut by this particular woman numerous times and felt like she did a good job so he recommended I use her too. He has also talked with her about God in the past and found out that she is interested in knowing more about us and our church. Well, I sit down and explain to her that I want the same cut - only a little bit shorter. I emphasized to her that I only wanted a little cut off and she nodded in understaning. (I don't know what it is about Mexican haircutters - all of us missionary women have found that they always cut a lot of hair off no matter what you tell them - maybe they don't realize that you will pay them the same amount whether they cut off 1/2 inch or 3 inches!) During the course of the conversation we revisit what she and Benjy had talked about a few weeks earlier. I took the opportunity to invite her to our home to eat with us and get to know one another better. I also asked if she would be willing to give Reece his first haircut at our house (yes, that's right - he is over 2 and has never had a cut - he was bald forever so we have grown just a little attached to his blonde curls - is time...whether Benjy agrees with me or not!) She was happy about that - and so we will call her in the next few weeks to come over - perhaps a good opportunity to share Jesus and our lives with another Mexican family. And my haircut...well, it turned out to be pretty bad. Oh well, hair grows back right?!

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