Monday, December 01, 2008

10 And Counting....


10 years ago we began this journey together called marriage. What an adventure it has been! Our lives have been interwoven in such a way that it seems like he has always been a part of mine... and I wouldn't have it any other way. It makes me happy to be able to fully believe, ten years later, that I undoubtedly chose the perfect guy for me. My life is rich with him in many ways (most certainly not pertaining to actual money - ha!)...but in all ways that matter. We have not been without our times of struggle - but overall it has been a beautiful life together and I can only anticipate more beauty ahead of us. Each year we have taken an anniversary picture together and I am in the process of making a book, recording the experiences of each year we have spent together. As I look through the pictures it is an honor and a praise to God to see us growing just a little older together. I am full of gratitude that we have arrived to this point full of happiness and hope that we are together...till death do us part!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Both of you have been an example for Yuliana & me. We wish you a happy anniversary.

Devin said...

Happy Anniversary! Isn't it wonderful to have a GREAT man by your side?

Betsy@Living in the Moment said...

You guys are such an inspiration. I think about that cold day in Canada 10 years ago and I am so glad I was there to see it begin. And I am so glad that I have seen the journey that has brought you to ten years. I love both of you very much!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary. And what great forthought to be taking pictures every year! What neat book that will be for you to cherish, but also for your kids and grandkids! That is awesome!