So...I had a doctors appointment with an ultrasound today. Thankfully all looks well as far as the baby's health - but the baby is in breech position. We (both us and the doctor) are hopeful that there is still time for him or her to turn and switch positions. Our doctor ordered a daily 10-15 minutes of crawling on the floor because "they" believe it can encourage the baby to flip around. So....tonight we had a "family crawl" time - the boys thought it was pretty fun! I wonder how my knees and back will hold out over these next weeks giving "horsie rides". We might have to eliminate the rider!
Any other suggestions out there on how to get the baby to flip? Please pray for this little one to switch positions and then stay put!
Well, after all that play time, you need to sit and rock yourself after all this exercise. Your a good listener for your doctor. My prayers are that all will work out for you and the baby.
I can hardly wait.
Happy trails!!!!!!!!!!!!
will be praying! love the pics.
I have no advice... sorry. Just stopped by to say hello. :)
Those are great pics!
Can't wait to hear the good news.
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